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Genesis and Objects of the Foundation 

The death of Jan Pentland was a huge loss. Many, many people wanted to honour Jan’s memory in some way and continue her legacy. Setting up a Foundation was a tangible way to do this.  The Foundation therefore focuses on financial counselling, the field to which Jan contributed so much in pursuit of the great passion of her life—the promotion of social justice for the disadvantaged. 

The Foundation is able to accept tax deductible donations. It is a public fund established for charitable purposes, with the sole purpose of providing money for scholarships, bursaries or prizes.


Given Jan's life work the Foundation provides financial assistance— the Jan Pentland Scholarship—to enable a person to study financial counselling or a related discipline. There is a specific focus on assisting a person who otherwise would not be able to undertake this study. The funding may also include costs such as professional supervision, travel or accommodation.


The Foundation is planned to be self-funding in perpetuity. The aim is to set aside a sufficient corpus such that the interest on that amount would be enough to fund the annual scholarships.

Announcement of the Award

The Jan Pentland Scholarship is awarded on an annual basis. The recipient is announced at a dinner coinciding with the annual conference of the  Financial Counselling Australia. This is usually held in May each year.


Administrative support to the Foundation is provided by Financial Counselling Australia on a pro bono basis.  Jan was on the Executive of FCA (then called the Australian Financial Counselling and Credit Reform Association), for over a decade, including ten years as chair. 


The trust deed for the Jan Pentland Foundation 

The constitution of Jan Pentland Limited 

Pro Bono Support 

King & Wood Mallesons provided pro bono legal advice to the Foundation in its set up phase. Deloitte provided pro bono audit and accountancy services for 10 years. We are very grateful for the services of both organisations.

Annual Reports

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2020

Ten Year Report 2009-2019

Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2018

Financial Reports

Financial Statements 2023

Financial Statements 2022

Financial Statements 2021

Financial Statements 2020

Financial Statements 2019

Financial Statements 2018

Financial Statements 2017

Financial Statements 2016

Foundation Trustees 

Carolyn Bond

Co-CEO, Consumer Action Law Centre 

David Tennant

Chief Executive Office, Shepparton FamilyCare

Colin Neave
ANZ Bank Advsior
David Morawetz
Counselling Psychologist,
and Jan’s partner
Delia Rickard
Deputy Chair, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
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