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All funds donated to the Jan Pentland Foundation are used for the annual scholarship.

The Foundation is seeking your support. The Foundation awards a number of scholarships each year to enable an individual to study financial counselling. Financial counselling was close to Jan’s heart and the scholarship is a fitting way to continue her legacy.


The financial counselling sector desperately needs more qualified counsellors to meet demand.


Your donation will help us grow the corpus in the Foundation and eventually expand the numbers of scholarships available. It is the intention of the trustees for future scholarship to be funded entirely from the interest on funds donated. In this way, your donation will make a difference in perpetuity. All donations are tax deductible. 


You can donate to the Foundation in one of two ways: either via Give Now by clicking on the Donate button above or by direct credit. Details are below. 


BSB: 013 006

Account: 9035 40139


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